
QAD ERP Manufacturer Solution

QAD Cloud ERP software can harness the power of QAD Enterprise Applications without having to manage hardware, systems, or support. You focus on your business, we’ll focus on IT. We make it easy to implement QAD Cloud ERP. Just… Connect. Deploy. Enjoy!

– We are completely focused on global manufacturing companies.
– We are provide Enterprise ERP Solution for Manufacturing
– We have over 5400 customers on over 90 countries around the globe.

If you are in Vietnam region, and if you need to find a perfect solution for your business or should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Think Next (QAD Partner in Vietnam) at:

Website: https://www.thinknextco.com
E-mail: support@thinknextco.com
Hotline: +84(0)938 48 4986 | +84(0)938 42 5986

We have concentrated on a select set of vertical markets and manufacturing industries: life sciences, industrial products, high technology, consumer products, food & beverage, and automotive. We realize no two manufacturing companies are exactly alike